My Weekly Cleaning Routine

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Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels
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Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels
Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels

I know, I know. No one wants to clean their house. Chores are the worst and you spend your whole weekend doing them. What if I told you there’s a better way? Instead of wasting every single weekend wasting hours and cleaning, why not take 15-25 minutes every day to clean one part of your house and then not have to do anything on the weekend? I’m going to share my weekly cleaning routine that has helped me not spend a whole Saturday cleaning for months!

Daily Tasks

There are tasks you are going to have to do every day, even on the weekends but they are pretty minimal.

My daily tasks include:

  • Make your bed (seriously this is so important!)
  • Unload all clean dishes from dishwasher
  • Scoop Rhett’s litter box (obvi if you don’t have a cat don’t do this)
  • No dishes in the sink before bed- all in the dishwasher and set it to run overnight if needed
  • Take the trash out if needed
  • Tidy (I take 5 minutes before bed and put away what I can)
  • Wipe down the counters after cooking

Monday through Friday Tasks

Now, every day Monday through Friday will have a specific task that needs to be done.

Here is my weekly schedule (this can be adjusted to fit your life- I just like to have floors done later in the week so it’s clean for the weekend).

Monday: Deep clean the kitchen. This includes the microwave, rinsing the dishwasher filter and scrubbing the sink. All items from counters should be moved and wiped down.

Tuesday: Tuesday is laundry day! Unless something is super urgent (like a stained shirt or something needed for a specific event), I only do laundry on Tuesdays. All the laundry has to be done and folded before we go to bed. Thankfully, with working from home it’s a lot easier but I know this can be a lot for some households. Make one full load of laundry a daily task if you need to and start it right when you get home from work but it has to be DONE before bed! Trust me, you will thank yourself. As for our bedding, I fully change our sheets every other week but the pillowcases get washed every week.

Wednesday: Bathroom day. All bathrooms should be cleaned. Toilets, counters, showers, etc. All of them in the house, even if they aren’t used the bathroom still needs a wipe down.

Thursday: Floor day! All floors should be vacuumed at least. Every other week I mop because our floors don’t get that dirty. Either vacuum, mop, sweep, whatever you have to do.

Friday: Dust and organize/ catch up. If i’ve missed a day or something got a little extra use and needs another clean, Friday is the day I tackle that.

Monthly Tasks

This list is a little smaller because there are only a few things that need to be done on a monthly basis if you are keeping up with the cleaning.

Every month I try to:

  • Wash the windows (full inside and outside when it’s warm, only inside when it’s cold)
  • Fully clean and rinse Rhett’s litter box (obvi skip this if you don’t have a cat)
  • Clean the appliances outside and wipe down cabinets
  • Clean the washing machine/ laundry room
  • Clean out the fridge (take everything out, wipe it down and put it back ORGANIZED)
  • Organize the pantry

That’s it! That’s how I keep my house clean and don’t spend any time cleaning on the weekends! It seems overwhelming at first, but once you get into the routine I promise it is worth it!

Let me know what you think in the comments below or on Instagram!

xo, Sydnee